
Európa a polgárokért – 2016

A « Testvértelepülések Európai Találkozója » projektet az Európai Unió finanszírozta az „Európa a polgárokért” program keretében

2. ág, 2.1 „Testvérváros-program” intézkedés

Részvétel: a projekt lehetővé tette a találkozókat 200 fő állampolgár részvételével, akik közül 50 fő Aszód (Magyarország), 50 fő Tautii Magheraus (Románia), 50 fő Miercurea Nirajului (Románia) 50 fő Obernburg Am Main (Németország) lakosai.
Helyszín/Dátumok: találkozó helyszíne Aszód (Magyarország) volt, 2016/08/18. és 2016/08/22. között
Részletes leírás:
A projekt programja az alábbi volt:

2016/08/18: a vendég delegációk ünnepélyes fogadása, ünnepi fogadás a delegációk tiszteletére

2016/08/19 10:00 Aszód várossá válásának 25. évfordulója- Az európai testvérvárosi kapcsolatok- Ünnepi gyűlés

2016/08/19 13:00-18:00 Európai civilek napja –Civil társadalmi szervezetek nyilvános programjai-

2016/08/19 18:50-től Európai est (kulturális programok)

2016/08/20 10:00 Államalapítás ünnepe

2016/08/20 10:30 A mi világunk, mi méltóságunk és a mi jövőnk –konferencia és nyilvános fórum

Meghívó- konferenciára


2016/08/21 10:00 Helyünk a Galga mentén- Aszód régiójának bemutatása

2016/08/21 19:00 Kulturális est

2016/08/22 09:00 Projektzáró gyűlés

2016/08/22 10:00 Elköszönés, elutazás


„Európa a Polgárokért” program 2016.08.18-22.

kommunikációs sablon 2016

„We promote together tolerance and fight against euroscepticism ”

„lmpreuna promovam toleranta si combatem euroscepticismul”

Tótmogyorós testvérváros 2017. szeptember 7-11 között testvérvárosi találkozót szervezett  „A társadalmi tolerancia elősegítése és küzdelem az  euroszkepticizmus  ellen ” címmel.

A program az Európai Unió támogatásával jött létre az „Európa a Polgárokért ” program keretében, tájékoztatóját itt tekinthetik meg.

2017. 09.07-11. Tótmogyorós testvérvárosi találkozó
We promote together tolerance and fight against euroscepticism
lmpreuna promovam toleranta si combatem euroscepticismul


The project «European Fair» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme „Europe for Citizens”
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.1 „Town-Twinning” 
Participation: The project involved the reunion of 500 citizens (teenagers, teachers, delegates from the local authorities etc) as following: 20 participants from the city of Aszod (Hungary), 15 participants from the city of Martfu (Hungary), 22 participants from the city of Tisovec (Slovakia), 16 participants from the city of Tuchow (Poland), 427 participants from the city of Tăuții-Măgherăuș (Romania).
Location/ Dates: The event took place in the city of Tăuții-Măgherăuș (Romania) from 03.09.2018 to 10.09.2018.Short description:The main purpose of this project was to raise awareness among the participants and the general public regarding our common values and the fact that we have to work on preserving and promoting European Cultural Heritage, as a common resource.

Due to the fact that the cities of Tisovec (Slovakia) and Tăuții-Măgherăuș (Romania) pay a great homage to the poet Ion Șiugariu, as a common hero, 2 days within the project were dedicated discovering and promoting his life and work.

The day of 03.09.2018 was dedicated welcoming and accommodating the delegation from Slovakia.

The day of 04.09.2018 was dedicated to the following activities: games, Workshop – life and opera of the poet Ion Șiugariu (he was born in the village of Băița, part of Tăuții-Măgherăuș city; in the First World War, as a soldier, he took part in the eliberation of the slovak city of Tisovec. After that, he lost his life in the attempt on liberating also the city of Brezno (Slovakia).

The day of 05.09.2018 was dedicated visiting the Memorial House of Ion Șiugariu from the village of Băița. In the afternoon, Romanian and Slovak participants prepared various games and social activities for the forthcoming delegates.

The day of 06.09.2018 was dedicated welcoming and accommodating the rest of the participants.

The day of 07.09.2018 was dedicated organising a Workshop where each country, alongside with some representatives from Roma community, brought videos/power-point presentation about their own customs, traditions, specific food. At the end of these presentations, participants, divided into some mixed working-groups, managed to identify various ways in which they can preserve and develop our common cultural heritage, inclusively  through of volunteering.

In the second part of the day, participants visited the Reformed Church of Tăuții-Măgherăuș – where the female choir from Aszod (Hungary) gave a performance, the Misztotfalusi Kiss Miklos Museum from the city of Tăuții-Măgherăuș and the Didactic Center of Permaculture – Ulmu Foundation from Ulmoasa.

At the end of the day, each country prepared and arranged the traditional food they brought, for the gastronomic exhibition.

The day of 08.09.2018 was dedicated participating to the event organized in Băița, on the occasion of this village days – “Bulci from Băița”. During the program there were some solemn moments, with the playing of each country and the European Union anthems. As well, the Mayor of Tăuții-Măgherăuș presented this european project to the general public. Afterwards, local artists went on the stage, giving a performance of some Roumanian songs and dances. As well, all married couples who turned 50 years of marriage were celebrated. For those who wanted, they could also participate in a Roman-Catholic Mass, where the female choir from Aszod (Hungary) sustained a concert of ecclesiastic music.

During the festive dinner, a gastronomic and handmade products exhibition took place. Furthermore, a few participants from each country, dressed in their traditional clothes, performed some dances and songs, inviting the others to join them.

The day of 09.09.2018 was dedicated visiting the “Pottery House” from Baia Sprie, where a traditional craftsman, worldwide recognised, gave a pottery demonstration, shared his experiences and some impressions about this craft threatened with extinction.

Lunch time was spent at a sheepfold, where those who wanted had the chance to taste a traditional dish named „Balmoș” and to try to use the alphorn for calling the sheeps.

After lunch, the second part of the workshop was organized.This time, participants, divided into national groups, managed to identify some resemblances between the cultures of all countries involved in the project. At the end of the day, a final evaluation was made.

The day of 10.09.2018 was dedicated to say goodbye to all the delegations.